
- Polyacryl in light/darkblue, white, darkgrey, green and brown, (yellow) 
- crochet Hook D & C
- fiberfill
- sewing needle 
- Beads 

ch - chain
sc - single crochet 
sl st – slip stitch 
st – stitch 
MR - Magicring 
hdc - half double crochet 
dc - double crochet 
BL - back loop only 
inc - increase 
dec - decrease
rep ( ) - repeat the bracket x times

Click here for Video-pattern:

Crochet Hook D in light- or darkblue
R1 MR, sc6, sl st (6)
R2 ch, (sc inc) rep 5x  (12)
R3 (sc, sc inc) rep 5x (18)
R4 (sc2, sc inc) rep 5x (24)
R5 (sc3, sc inc) rep 5x (30)
R6 (sc4, sc inc) rep 5x (36)
R7 (sc5, sc inc) rep 5x (42)
R8 (sc6, sc inc) rep 5x (48)
R9 (sc7, sc inc) rep 5x (54)
R10-16 sc54, sl st

R17 ch2, (hdc3, sc3) rep til end, sl st
Change to white 
R18 ch, (sc3, hdc3) rep til end, sl st

R19 ch, (sc7, sc dec) rep 5x (48)

R20 (sc6, sc dec) rep 5x (42)
R21 (sc5, sc dec) rep 5x (36)
R22 (sc4, sc dec) rep 5x, sl st (30)
R23 BL ch, (sc3, sc dec) rep 5x, sl st (24)
R24 ch, (sc2, sc dec) rep 5x (18)
R25 (sc, sc dec) rep 5x (12), fill with fiberfill 
R26 (sc dec) rep 5x (6), fasten off.

Start in darkelgrey at the BL Row 23 

R1 ch, sc30, sl st (30)
R2 ch, (sc2, sc inc) rep 9x  (40)
R3  sc40
R4 (sc3, sc inc) rep 9x  (50) 
R5  sc50
R6 (sc11, sc inc) rep 3x , sc2 (54)

R7 BL (sc7, sc dec) rep 5x  (48)

R8 BL (sc6, sc dec) rep 5x (42)
R9 (sc5, sc dec) rep 5x  (36)
R10 (sc4, sc dec) rep 5x  (30) 
R11 (sc3, sc dec) rep 5x  (24)
R12 (sc2, sc dec) rep 5x (18)
R13 (sc, sc dec) rep 5x  (12), fill with fiberfill 
R14 (sc dec) rep 5x, sl st (6), fasten off.

Tannenbaum Applikation 

crochet Hook C in green 

R1 ch4, dc3 in 1st ch, turn 
R2 ch3, dc3, dc inc, turn
R3 ch, sl st3, ch3, dc3 in next 2st, turn
R4 ch3, dc6, dc inc, turn
R5 ch, sl st4, ch3, dc inc, dc, dc3 in next, turn
R6 ch3, dc6, dc inc, fasten off.

Start with brown in 4th st on downside of tree 
R1 ch, BL dc inc, dc2, dc inc, fasten off.

Sew on the beads. 

Sew the tree onto the Snowglobe. 

Sew on little snowflakes in white. 

For the Snowglobe at night add some points in yellow as stars and a moon:

R1 ch11, sc, hdc dec, dc dec x2, hdc, sc, fasten off.